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- Pagina /gfx/2004/2004Week27/dscn6294.Barcelona-Rambla.jpg duurde 0.002 seconden 416.0x sneller dan laatst 2004-08-09 17:00 CEST vanwege 'word', kijk rdf, kijk vers, kijk zoek.
a round vessel that is open at the top; used for holding fruit or liquids or for serving foodmonk
a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and workmandala
any of various geometric designs (usually circular) symbolizing the universe; used chiefly in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation -
Zie google map van Barcelona-Rambla: 41.381N, 2.1735E near airport BCN (see also: geobloggers, openstreetmap, geourl, gpster, google maps.)
Nearby locations:Barcelona-Rambla
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