☎ Cell …
<br />Query error: ERROR: function lpad(numeric, integer, unknown) does not exist
LINE 5: lpad(extract(day FROM m.created),2,'0') || '-' ||
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. <br> Query:
m.created as mcreated,u.id as userid,m.id as messageid,
c.id as cellid , m.cell as mcell,
lpad(extract(day FROM m.created),2,'0') || '-' ||
lpad(extract(month FROM m.created),2,'0') || '-' ||
extract(year FROM m.created) || ' ' ||
lpad(extract(hour FROM m.created), 2, '0') || ':' ||
lpad(extract(minute FROM m.created), 2, '0')
as mcreatedd,
lpad(extract(day FROM m.created),2,'0') || '-' ||
lpad(extract(month FROM m.created),2,'0') || '-' ||
extract(year FROM m.created)
as mcreateddate,
lpad(extract(hour FROM m.created), 2, '0') || ':' ||
lpad(extract(minute FROM m.created), 2, '0')
as mcreatedtime,
FROM messages as m
LEFT JOIN users as u on u.phn = m.orig
LEFT JOIN cell as c on c.cellstring = m.cell
ORDER BY m.created desc
of sms cell (mcc,mnc,lac,cid) tag
in 0.060987 seconds,
see also del.icio.us/tag/location+python+nokia